Tuesday, 5 March 2013

y this name???

    The All,
    World, Universe.

Subject: y this name

Dear Sir/Madam,
Many of you might have this question (specifically if you are an engineer) that "y this name". So let me tell you all. First word is an Indian Hindi language word "Golmal" which means hodgepodge or bungle. The second word is "Engineer" which is coming from a well known disease spread among science students, "Engineering". This disease can harm your mind such that you can not come out of it until you opt any other disease like MBA, MBBS, MSc etc. Now the question arises y to put these two words together? Nice one! Let me clarify that also. If you are an engineer you may know the answer already but if you are not an engineer or maybe half engineer (Degree without knowledge or maybe confused about degree itself), then let me tell you. Engineers are called creative, intelligent, innovative and many more adjectives are used for them. These all adjectives work only when they mix things and produce new one. This mixing of concept creates hodgepodge of content or information. This bungle of information is then interpreted by other people who have this "engineering" disease for a long period of time (Experienced Professors, Scientists, Researchers, Directors etc.). After evaluation they call it either a new innovative work or ask an "engineer" to throw it into trash and work out new bungle.

So its just hodgepodge or bungle in turn "Golmal", which is required to live with this disease. Unfortunately, I am also a victim of this disease. I am here now to help people to survive in this ugly world with this disease called as "Engineering".

So those who are victims of this disease, Don't be afraid of it anymore. I am here to help you at anyway. Trust me.

A Golamal Engineer     

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